Thursday, April 28, 2011

Turnrer Response

"The microcosm can not only reflect, but control, the macrocosm. With correct mnemonic technology, the whole universe can be stored in one man's memory: here the levers are the commonplaces, the topoi of the memory theater system of recall. Modern science tells us that the information storage capacity of the human brain is many orders of magnitude greater than the amount of information in the physical universe, so the idea is in principle quite sound." Turner, School of Night, 59-60.

For my first blog I would like to formulate a response to this quote by Turner. As I remember from the first few days of class is that many people disagree with this statement which is not to my surprise. Many people doubt the power of the human mind and that is why we are so unaware of its power and capabilities. I completely believe that the entire universe can be stored in the depths of one's mind. To draw a more controversial card, if people understood how powerful their minds truly are, then there would be know need for religion because everyone would finally realize that they are the reason for all the events in their life. Everyone would essentially be atheist because they would understand that it is their minds that they should believe and not get caught up in constantly looking toward something else for guidance. This concept applies greatly to the Law of Attraction in the sense that everything that comes your way was brought upon by you, not some mythical or hypothetical divine being. It is an absolutely true statement to say that the capacity of the brain is much bigger than that of the physical universe, the harder thing is getting everyone else to believe it as well.

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